Sunday 15 September 2019

Topic 1.2.- The Verb be in Affirmative and Negative Present Simple

What English-speaking countries do you know they exist?

Song video about the countries of the world

English speaking countries videos

The Verb be in Present Simple

The Verb be in Affirmative Present Simple.
My name is Elmer. I am from Cancun, Mexico. I am at school now.

Brad Pitt is an actor. He is from the United States.

Celine Dion is a singer. She is from Canada.

Chihuahua is a dog. It is from Mexico.

We are at school. We are in the English class.

You are students. You are from _______.

They are Queen. They are from the UK.

Conjugation chart of the Verb be

Verb be in affirmative present simple

I am

You are

He is

She is

It is

We are

You are

They are

I am from Mexico.

___ ____ from______.


Subject + is + from + country.


Collaborative online exercise of the verb 'be' in affirmative present simple

Verb be in Affirmative Present Simple online exercise 

Reading dialogues on page 8

Full conjugation of the verb be in affirmative present simple in long form and contraction

Long form


I am


You are


He is


She is


It is


We are


You are


They are



am = ‘m


is = ‘s


are = ‘re

What is your name? = What's your name?
I am Katy. = I'm Katy.
I am fine. = I'm fine.

Listening Practice

Individual online exercise of contractions of the verb be in affirmative present simple

Verb 'be' in Negative Present Simple

What do you know about the girl in the picture?

Conversation about Lady Gaga

A: Who is she?
B: She is not Taylor Swift. She is Lady Gaga. 

A: Where is she from?
B: She is from the United States. She is not from the UK.
A: What does she do for a living?
B: She is a singer and an actress, but she is not a dancer.
A: Are you a huge fan of her?
B: No, I am not a huge fan of her, but I am in love with her.
A: To my mind, you are not her other half.

Written by Teacher Elmer Santana

Verb be in negative present simple

Full negative forms of the verb to be

I am not a huge fan of her.
You are not her other half.
He is not an actor.
She is not from the UK.
It is not true.
We are not singers.
You are not famous people.
They are not in Mexico.

Subject + is  + not + Complement

Verb be in negative present simple

Long form

1st contraction

2nd contraction

I am not

I’m not

It doesn’t apply

You are not

You’re not

You aren’t

He is not

He’s not

He isn’t

She is not

She’s not

She isn’t

It is not

It’s not

It isn’t

We are not

We’re not

We aren’t

You are not

You’re not

You aren’t

They are not

They’re not

They aren’t



is not = isn’t



are not = aren’t


Collaborative online exercise about the verb 'be' in negative present simple


Individual online exercise about the verb 'be' in negative present simple


Video about the difference among the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England

Exercises 3a and 3b on page 9

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