Monday 16 September 2019

Topic 3.6- Ordering in a café

How often do you go to a café at the weekends?
for example: 'I usually go to a café at the weekends.'

What do you order when you are in a café?

What coffee do you usually take in a café?
For example: 'I usually take cappuccino.'

Book exercises on pages 28 and 29

Do you like Starbucks? If so, what's your favourite coffee at Starbucks?
Yes, I do and my favourite coffee at Starbucks is the Latte Macchiato / No, I don't.

Drilling Conversation Practice

Barista: Good morning, welcome to Ryan's Café.
Client: Good morning, can I have a cappuccino?
Barista: Sure. Which size?
Client: A small one.
Barista: Would you like something to eat?
Client: Well, I'll take a chicken bagel.
Barista: So, it's a small cappuccino and a chicken bagel. Something else?
Client: No, that's all.
Barista: To eat in or to takeaway?
Client: To eat in.
Barista: That's $12 USD. Will you pay in cash or by card?
Client: In cash.
Barista: Enjoy and have a nice day!
Client: Thank you.

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