Monday 16 September 2019

Topic 4.4.- Affirmative present simple with the personal pronouns he, she, and it

What cities are there in Quintana Roo?

For example: 'Cancun'

Opening speaking practice

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Cancun.

A: Do you live with your family?

B1: Yes, I do. 

B2: No, I don't.

A: Who do you live with?

B1: I live with my wife and my dog.

B2: I live alone.

A: Do you have siblings?

B1: Yes, I do. I have two.

B2: No, I don't. I am an only child.

Cards for Bingo of Numbers

Statements in Present Simple with he/she/it

Pablo is from Spain.
Alice has a sister and a brother.
She lives in Buenos Aires.
He works in Sao Paulo.




I play soccer. -> He plays soccer.

General rule: add -s

Verb play -> He plays

Verb work ->  He   works

I watch TV in the evening. -> He watches TV in the evening.

After -s, - x, -ch,  -sh, o and -z add -es.

Verb pass-> He passes

Verb mix -> He mixes

Verb watch -> He watches

Verb wash -> He washes

Verb do -> He does

Verb buzz -> It buzzes

I study at university. -> He studies at university.

After consonant + y remove -y and -ies

Verb study -> He studies

Verb try -> He tries

I have a sister. -> He has a sister.

Irregular forms

Verb be -> He is

Verb have -> He has

Verb can -> He can

Collaborative online exercise about the present simple present with the personal pronouns he/she/it

Individual online exercise about the present simple present with the personal pronouns he/she/it

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