Sunday 15 September 2019

Topic 3.1.- Street and fast food vocabulary

This is food.

What typical Mexican food do you know?

Vocabulary Presentation about food

Vocabulary Review Exercise about food (Exercise 1a on page 24)

Collaborative Reading Aloud of the text 'Food for one week' on page 24

They like eggs...
They don't like fish.


Conjugation of the verb’ like’ with the subject or personal pronons: I, we, you and the





Long Form

Short Form

I like

I do not like

I don’t like

Do I like?

You like

You do not like

You don’t like

Do you like?

We like

We do not like

We don’t like

Do we like?

They like

They do not like

They don’t like

Do they like?

Subject + Verb

Subject + do + not + Verb

Subject + don’t + Verb

Do + Subject + Verb?

do not = don’t


Other verbs of consumption





Collaborative exercises on page 25

Individual Online Exercise about Consumption Verbs in Present Simple

Video 'Best Street foods around the world'
What street food do you like most?
I like most...

Picture quiz and listening, writing, and spelling tests about fast food vocabulary.

Vocabulary Exercise about Junk Food

Oral practice about 'What do you...?'

What do you eat at home?
I eat fruit at home.

What do you drink at school?
I drink water at school.

What do you have for breakfast?
I have eggs for breakfast

What food do you buy at the supermarket?
I buy meat.

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